King Rawana - The Resurrection

Platformer PC Game based on the Sri Lankan Legendary King, Rawana.

a Game developed by me ( duh ! ) 
This is a dungeon escape genre game with death traps, dead soilders, metalpunk type weapons, Dandumonara Air crafts, secret codes and doors, easter eggs, cheat codes and so on
this is a passion project, a non-commercial product.
Special thanks to google, FreePik, Shaun Spalding and community ( TriggeringSinhalu )
Check this page from time to time because I will add more and more missions at least once a month.
version X:X:XXX : DATE, you can identify a new version by the last digits of the release.
closed beta testers, Limashi CodeAeron and PrabodhaOnline

p.s. : rawana lovers, don't be offended. meant not to offend any party.

Download for Windows PC - version 2.0.72 : 20200603 - 14MB via


Download for Android - version 2.0.77 : 20200605 -17MB via Playstore


TIP : 
when entering the secret code to door locks, you have to press Enter after each number. 
ex : Number 1 key...Enter, Number 2 key....Enter.

please note that this game is not optimized for Android mobiles. I have just ported the game from Windows to Android by the requests of the fans by adding the same Keyboard layout. You can't touch control the menus and some other stuff. You have to use the UP, DOWN & ENTER keys. Sorry about the inconvenience.